Two direction signs with a man icon symbolizing a choice one needs to make

When In Doubt: 9 Steps To Make Decisions Under Uncertainty

Imagine that you are at a crossroads, surrounded by fog so thick you barely see the paths before you. Each path represents a choice, and the dense fog symbolizes the doubt clouding your judgment. You understand that standing still isn’t an option, and yet, moving forward is scary. So, how do you choose which direction to take when everything looks uncertain? This is the moment familiar to all of us calling for a deeper exploration into the nature of our doubts. When in doubt, decision-making is not merely a step, but a combination of strategy, wisdom, and faith.

Understanding Doubt

A man sitting on a coach thinking which decision is better to make

Doubt emerges when questions are posed in response to unclear choices. It is a natural and innate response meant to shield us from potentially harmful choices. However, in the modern world, where decisions need to be made more frequently and swiftly, doubt often feels like an unwelcome guest that stops progress.

Yet, should doubt be treated just as an obstacle, or can it also serve as a valuable tool when approached with the right mindset? Encountering doubt should not be seen as a stop sign, but rather as a signal urging you to proceed with care. Acknowledging doubt as a natural part of being human and embracing it as an ally in navigating choices with greater care and wisdom can enhance the decision-making process, making it more efficient and mindful.

Consequences of Indecision

Indecision is backed by fear and doubt. The consequences may be both minor and quite significant. When you allow doubt to paralyze you, you opt out of many choices that could lead to growth, happiness, and success. Despite the loss of potential gains, the emotional burden of regret tied to indecisiveness drains confidence and ability to make decisions over time.

Manifesting in various aspects of life, such as career progression, personal relationships, and even day-to-day tasks, indecision blocks the path to valuable experiences and achievements. Recognizing the consequences of indecision is the first vital step toward control over your choices and navigating through uncertainty with greater purpose and clarity.

  1. Missed Opportunities: Indecision can cause you to hesitate and delay taking action, leading to missed chances. Whether it’s a job offer, an investment, or a personal relationship, the time you spend wavering might allow these opportunities to pass you by.
  2. Stress and Anxiety: The longer you remain indecisive, the more likely you are to experience stress and anxiety. This emotional toll comes from the constant worry over making the right choice, compounded over time by the pressure of unmade decisions.
  3. Reduced Confidence: The longer you struggle with making a choice, the more your self-confidence diminishes. Eventually, this might lead to the false notion that you’re incapable of decision-making.
  4. Wasted Time: A common way to avoid making a decision is procrastination. The time you spend on something else, but not making a decision, is the time not spent moving forward. This can be a cause of inefficiency in both personal and professional contexts.
  5. Paralysis by Analysis: In the process of making a perfect choice (there is no such thing as a perfect choice ever), you might find yourself in an endless cycle of analysis. Self-doubt and overthinking can prevent you from making any decision at all, leaving you where you are.
  6. Regret and What-If Scenarios: Constantly thinking about ‘what-if’ you took that decision and your life would change can be mentally exhausting and prevent you from enjoying the present and planning for the future.
  7. Impact on Relationships: Indecisiveness can also harm relationships. Your close people may become tired or lose trust in your ability to commit or take action, potentially straining these connections.
  8. Lost Competitive Edge: A professional setting is tied to competition. Businesses and individuals who hesitate to act on information or trends fall behind their more decisive counterparts.
  9. Financial Consequences: When in doubt, you may delay making financial decisions, like investments or savings, that will lead to lost earnings.
  10. Impeded Personal Growth: Not choosing what new skills you want to acquire can hold you back. Remember, that every choice, right or wrong, is a chance to learn something new.
  11. Increased Dependence: When in doubt, it’s a common thing to ask for help or advice. However, over time, relying too much on others will negatively affect your ability to make choices confidently on your own.
  12. Loss of Momentum: Hesitating to make decisions can slow down your progress on projects or personal goals. Momentum is crucial for achieving success, and indecision can stall it.

9 Steps To Make Decisions When In Doubt

When in doubt, follow this 9 steps to make decisions

Acknowledge your doubt

First of all, accept that uncertainty is a natural part of the decision-making process. As stated previously, doubt is the way our mind signals that the choice deserves more consideration. Let’s take an example. Imagine you are stuck deciding between two job offers. Acknowledging your doubt can be the first step to understanding what truly matters to you. By acknowledging it, you create a foundation for constructive analysis and action.

Define what you know and what you do not know

When in doubt, identify what you know and pinpoint what you don’t. This step helps to define the direction of your research. Let’s say you want to start a new business. List what you already know about the industry, market demand, and your potential competitors, and then consider the areas that you need more insight into, such as the legal requirements or funding options. By employing this approach you ensure that your decision is based on a comprehensive understanding of the situation you are in. It also reduces the overwhelm by breaking down the decision into smaller, more manageable parts.

Gather enough information

So, once you have identified the gaps in your knowledge that you need to fill, start gathering the required information. Gathering information empowers you to make decisions based on facts and not assumptions or incomplete data. However, make sure that you are not stuck in this process. You need enough information for a decision, not all available information.

Limit choices

Do not try to decide between a huge list of different options. Once you have more information, keep only the options that align with your values and needs the most. This step can help you significantly reduce the complexity and stress of decision-making. For example, if you need to decide on a college to apply to, limit your choices based on your interests, budget, and of course, location preferences. By doing so, you focus all your energy and attention on evaluating the best options rather than getting distracted by the vast sea of possibilities. The process and steps thus become more straightforward.

Weight pros and cons

For each selected option, make a list of advantages and disadvantages. You can also break them down into long-term and short-term pros and cons. This exercise will help you evaluate the potential impact of each choice on your life and help to clarify which options align the best with your values and goals. Weighting pros and cons is a classical strategy that provides a visual and logical framework to compare your options side by side.

Trust your gut

It happens that even after a thorough analysis, some doubt may remain. Give yourself space to listen to your intuition. Your gut feeling can guide you toward a choice that feels right on a deeper level. For example, when choosing between the two job offers, a higher-paid job may be the logical outcome, but deep inside, you feel that the other option is a better fit for your personality and values. Trusting your gut means recognizing and valuing your subconscious emotions and instincts as part of the decision-making process. It’s about a harmony between analysis and emotional intuition. To achieve this harmony, it is important to let neither logic nor emotions take control of each other.

Decide and commit to that decision

Select the option that aligns closest with your criteria and feels appropriate, then take action. Committing wholeheartedly to your chosen path and not considering other alternatives anymore is vital for moving ahead and achieving progress. For instance, after deciding on a college, your next steps should include applying, securing financial aid, and preparing for the transition. Taking action transforms your decision into tangible results.

Reflect on your decision

After you made the decision, spend some time reflecting on the whole process. Did you learn how to make decisions step-by-step? Is there something that you would like to do differently next time? Did you control your emotions? How did the decision affect your life? Reflection is an opportunity for both personal growth and better decision-making for future choices.

Accept imperfection

Once again, it is important to state that no decision is perfect. Every decision may have unforeseen circumstances that can affect the outcome. Understanding that no decision can be perfect liberates you from the fear and doubt of making a mistake and fosters a resilient mindset. Every decision that you consider right and wrong contributes to your growth and experience.


In this blog, we have elaborated on the steps that can serve as your compass through the fog of doubt. Acknowledging doubt, gathering information, limiting choices, weighing pros and cons, and committing to the made decision clear your path forward. When in doubt, these strategies empower you to act confidently, ensuring that you take a step toward realizing your aspirations and values.

Do not forget, that making a decision is crucial, no matter how uncertain the situation is. I want this guide to remind you that you possess the strength and wisdom to chart a course for the right choices and growth.

And, of course, remember. You do not need to wait for better times to start making decisions under uncertainty. You can get Constantly Better already now.


Q1: What should I do first when in doubt?

The first step is to accept the fact that doubt is a natural part of the decision-making process. By acknowledging doubt, you help yourself to understand what matters to you the most and thus, create a foundation for a constructive analysis.

Q2: How can doubt affect my decision-making?

Doubt can lead to numerous negative consequences among which are missed opportunities, procrastination, reduced confidence, and problems in personal and professional relationships. However, when doubt is managed properly, it encourages deeper analysis, leading to more thoughtful and confident decisions.

Q3: How can I trust my intuition when in doubt?

Intuition, or your gut feeling, is your subconscious mind synthesizing information faster than your conscious mind can. If you’re well-informed about the situation after performing your analysis and research, trusting your intuition can be a powerful guide in decision-making.

Q4: What if I make a decision and still doubt it?

Doubt may persist even after making a decision. It’s important to review the process you carried out to see whether you followed a structured approach and did not let emotions take over. Building confidence comes from both action and reflective practice.

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